
Build Relations
In Costa Rica people speak of a warm culture. This means, among other things, that residents of Costa Rica are open to other people. We have noticed that there are differences where we are in Costa Rica. In Talamanca people are often a bit reserved if they don't know us yet. They are not quick to give their real opinion and are still a bit hesitant. The more time we deal with them personally, the more openness develops. It takes time to gain trust and build relationships with people. We are grateful for the relationships that have been built over the years. This is important to be able to study the Bible more deeply with people and to encourage, support and help them. God gives special beautiful relationships with the women in several villages and we also extend to other villages in the jungle to be active there and to help, guide and tell women about Jesus. We continue to build a good relationship so that trust is created and we are admitted within the community.

Bible Study
We give Bible studies in various churches and villages. We try to match the topics with the target group. Through the Bible studies we want to encourage people to hear and learn to believe that they matter, that they are loved and important and that God has a plan for each of us. Many women feel inferior, but God did not intend them that way. By diving deeper into God's word, we may get to know Him more and more and build a more beautiful and deeper relationship with Him.

There are families who take good care of their elderly, but unfortunately there are also many elderly who are alone and do not receive any help. We also look after them by visiting, encouraging and bringing meals. We all need love, to be seen, until our last day. We organize afternoons to bring together for a meal for those who are still mobile. A time together for the elderly, where we may share with them and pour out God's love and truth upon them.

Healing & Restoration for teenage girls
There are many teenage girls aged 13/14 who already have a baby. Many from abuse. No contraceptives are used and people often get pregnant quickly. In addition, the mother of these girls is often around 30 years of age and the teenagers do not often receive help or support from them. The girls often have a poor self-image and are therefore unable to give and show love to their children. There is a lot of brokenness.
We want to create a place for these teens to come to for help. Help for raising the babies, for guidance and conversations for themselves. Where they are heard and guided. Where they may hear and feel love and truth from Jesus. Where their self-esteem may be restored and where they may be nourished by the Word. Where we can support them to get back to life.
For the very damaged girls we offer a healing course in which we teach them how to deal with all the pain and sorrow. We teach them that they may come into God's truth and purity so that they are set free to continue in life, full of Jesus, and also share the same to their children and environment.

Training & Creative activities
We help the teen mothers by teaching them skills such as sewing, crafts, painting, cooking, or anything else they are interested in. We offer them a safe and inspiring environment, with a joint day opening in which people learn, train and coach to be self-sufficient. Guiding them in this helps them to get their lives in order and to learn how to support themselves and the children.
We also organize creative activities. It is important that people not only hear that they have been given gifts and talents, but that they also experience, feel and see that God has given everyone his own gifts and talents. It gives joy and a positive new energy. We often use materials that are present in the jungle, so that the things that are already there are used creatively. We teach people to think creatively and to see what they have that they can reuse and make beautiful to sell again. This way they can also generate income themselv

English Language Course
In the jungle of Talamanca, people want to be more accessible for tourism. Therefore, there is more demand for English language lessons. Many have had lessons in the English language at school, but those lessons have been very limited. By helping people understand and speak the English language better, they can welcome more foreign tourists which can help support their livelihood. We therefore also offer an English language course in which we can also become more visible among people.

Prayer is the most powerful tool we have! It can be done anytime and anywhere. People always long for prayer and often come to us for it. How beautiful it is to come together to God and encourage them to continue. God desires His children. Learning to reach out to God and ask Him for guidance and help. We are grateful to be able to do that together.

Hosting & Encouragement for groups
It is a blessing to be able to work with the local people and to seek God together, but there are also various groups from other places in the world who support the work of the Love and Liberty Foundation and are happy to contribute to the activities that we undertake in the various places. We receive groups, let them participate in the various programs and become acquainted with the local network of relations. We have seen that this does not leave people unmoved and often they say goodbye with a changed heart. We see how God is also dealing with them on these journeys. Share together, seek together, find together, God guides it!